Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : Redemption
Year : 2018
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s
Track Listing
1. 22 (1:58)
2. A Long Way to Go (2:51)
3. Clouds Don't Care (0:32)
4. Crash Landing (3:42)
5. Doc (2:51)
6. I Kicked Scott Pilgrim's Ass! (2:15)
7. I O U (6:06)
8. Ravelry (1:03)
9. Sad Drunk (4:14)
10. Skydiving 4 Dummies (6:28)
11. The News is Murder! (2:18)
12. this is hell. (2:12)
13. Twisted Legends (1:45)
Total Playing Time: 38:20 (min:sec)
Total Size : 54,7 MB (57*336*463 bytes)
Atomic Potato----Redemption

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : The Last Wave The World Will Ever See
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : VBR ~279K/s
Track Listing
1. No Bad Romance (2:16)
2. The Last Wave (5:00)
3. Head Doesn't Match Body (0:26)
4. Fourever (6:56)
Total Playing Time: 14:38 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,5 MB (29*909*597 bytes)
Atomic Potato----The Last Wave The World Will Ever See

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : Brainwreck EP
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Welcome ( 0:04)
2. A Long Way to Go ( 2:59)
3. Post Tour Stress Disorder (BTTFIV 1991) ( 3:38)
4. DON'T TAKE IT AWAY! ( 0:50)
5. 00:00 (Time... Sucks.) ( 5:40)
6. The Brainwreck ( 0:33)
7. Umbrella ( 1:34)
8. Paper Clips and Coffee Mugs (10:32)
Total Playing Time: 25:54 (min:sec)
Total Size : 60,8 MB (63*762*694 bytes)
Atomic Potato----Brainwreck EP

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : DEAD! (I mean... live)
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. George Washington (4:22)
2. Hang On (3:40)
3. God Save the Pep Band (Live) (5:31)
4. Desperation (2:47)
5. So Lets Go! (Nowhere) (2:51)
6. The Atomic Potato (3:25)
7. Heat Factor (3:28)
8. Clint Eastwood (3:15)
9. Dedications (0:22)
10. Life Is Grand (3:13)
Total Playing Time: 32:58 (min:sec)
Total Size : 45,4 MB (47*564*225 bytes)
Atomic Potato----DEAD! (I mean... live)

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : Happy Skalidays HAHAHAHAHA
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Let It Snow (0:59)
2. Festivus (For the Rest of Us) (1:46)
3. Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer (1:04)
4. Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (3:11)
Total Playing Time: 7:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 16,6 MB (17*441*339 bytes)
Atomic Potato----Happy Skalidays HAHAHAHAHA

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : Life Is Grand EP
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Life is Grand (2:19)
2. God, Save the Pep Band! (5:14)
3. Hang On (3:21)
4. George Washington (4:08)
5. 5 (6:24)
Total Playing Time: 21:27 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,7 MB (52*165*970 bytes)
Atomic Potato----Life Is Grand EP

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : No One Asked for This
Year : 2016
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Leaving Cleveland (The Fad) 2009 (2:36)
2. Worry Rock (Green Day) 2008 (2:24)
3. King of Minneapolis I & II (Bomb the Music Industry!) 2009 (3:29)
4. 21st Century Digital Boy (Bad Religion) 2010 (6:32)
5. Ringtones (For Skot) (1:30)
Total Playing Time: 16:32 (min:sec)
Total Size : 38,6 MB (40*460*412 bytes)
Atomic Potato----No One Asked for This

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : Skalocaust 2010 Demos
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Ska is For Suckers (1:08)
2. We Are Broke (4:09)
3. Atomic Potato (3:08)
4. Heat Factor (2:53)
5. Teddy Bears and Rainbows (2:53)
6. Home (6:58)
7. Urban Renewal (Chill Factor) (4:10)
8. Thanks for the Memories, Mother Fucker (2:36)
9. There's No Speed Limit in the Grass (Tyler Lee Witt) (2:52)
10. Desperation (2:46)
11. I Hate Music, Music Hates Me (1:09)
12. Dead and Gone (0:41)
13. Swallow Your Pride (megademo) (2:47)
14. This Is My Nightmare (3:21)
15. It Doesn't Matter (4:25)
16. 21st Century Digital Boy cover (3:06)
17. George Washington (4:08)
18. Life Is Grand (2:19)
19. God Save the Pep Band (5:32)
Total Playing Time: 61:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 144,0 MB (151*000*484 bytes)
Atomic Potato----Skalocaust 2010 Demos

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : There's no Speed Limit in the Grass
Year : 2015
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Ska is 4 Suckers ( 1:07)
2. We are Broke! Let's Tour! ( 3:55)
3. Extrinsicity ( 0:45)
4. The Atomic Potato ( 2:50)
5. Heat Factor ( 3:02)
6. Teddy Bears and Rainbows ( 3:08)
7. I Wanna Go (Home) ( 6:34)
8. Urban Renewal ( 4:02)
9. Pete Wentz, Motherfucker! ( 2:46)
10. There's no Speed Limit in the Grass ( 2:35)
11. Milking the Tit of the Scene ( 0:23)
12. Desperation ( 2:36)
13. I Hate Music, Music Hates Me! ( 1:37)
14. The Pirate Way (Bonus) (13:36)
Total Playing Time: 49:03 (min:sec)
Total Size : 115,3 MB (120*866*286 bytes)
Atomic Potato----There's no Speed Limit in the Grass

Artist : Atomic Potato
Album : Who Killed Robby Sager?!
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Punk=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Dead and Gone (0:35)
2. Swallow Your Pride (2:02)
3. Fuck Off. (0:45)
4. It Doesn't Matter (4:23)
5. Fire It Up (2:09)
6. Straight Outta Kettering (3:05)
7. Uncivil Union (Matt Wixson) (1:12)
8. Robby Sager Is Dead! (3:50)
9. Methlabs & Bookstores (Chris Burrows) (2:07)
10. 1989 (3:38)
11. Cultivated Ignorance (8:37)
Total Playing Time: 32:29 (min:sec)
Total Size : 77,0 MB (80*760*981 bytes)
Atomic Potato----Who Killed Robby Sager?!
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