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3 Feet Short----Hypocritically Acclaimed
P.S Пока что только на -=Ska-Punk=-.
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3 Feet Short ---- Hypocritically Acclaimed
P.S So far only on - = Ska-Punk = -.
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Пример: Ссылка на группу далее альбомы которые нужно перезалить.
3 Feet Short----Hypocritically Acclaimed
P.S Пока что только на -=Ska-Punk=-.
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3 Feet Short ---- Hypocritically Acclaimed
P.S So far only on - = Ska-Punk = -.
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четверг, 20 марта 2014 г.
Ska-p nace como grupo en l994 entoces lo formaban:
Pulpul, a la voz principal y guitarra
Toni Escobar, guitarra y coros
Julio, bajo
Kogote, teclados y coros
Pako, bateria
Tras unos meses de ensayos graban lo que es su primer cd. llamado ska-p, donde ya apuntaban las maneras en sus letras y música, que unos años después les harían muy populares, pero aun faltaba tiempo para eso, tocan en muchos lugares, por los gastos y poco más, (Galicia, Almeria, Madrid, etc..) entonces no eran conocidos apenas por lo que muchos de sus conciertos fueron para pequeñas cantidades de gente y casi ignorados, en áquel momento.
Pero una canción suya comienza a despuntar en Madrid: era una canción de apoyo al Rayo Vallecano. Los músicos de ska-p están muy unidos al barrio de Vallekas,(aunque sólo algunos de sus miembros vivan en él). De hecho,la banda se mueve siempre por las calles de este barrio y ensaya en él. Dicha canción para muchos acaba siendo un himno y se empieza a escuchar mucho en casi todos los bares del barrio, poco a poco se va contagiando a otros garitos de la ciudad, y más y más gente se va enterando de que hay un grupo llamado ska-p con muy buenas letras que se oponen a las las corridas de toros y a la corrupción política; letras antimilitaristas, antirracistas..... etc.
Es a raiz de telonear a Platero y tú, y a Extremoduro ( dos de las bandas mas grandes de rock en esos momentos) cuando su popularidad sube otro peldaño más en Madrid, pero aun tenián que pasar algunas cosas más antes de despegar definitivamente.
Año1995, su guitarra solista Toni Escobar deja el grupo, ( en aquella época todos trabajaban y por las noches a ensayar al local) en algunos casos es muy difícil llevar las dos cosas, los gastos que origina el tocar en un grupo, sin recibir nada o casi nada a cambio, y atender a tu familia
Tras probar a varios guitarristas, deciden quedarse con uno de los que aparece por alli llamado Joxemi originario de Larraga (Navarra) , no era técnica todo lo que se buscaba en un grupo como ska-p sino mas bien el sentir esa historia como suya, y acabar siendo uno más.
También es cuando ya definitivamente entra a formar parte del grupo oficialmente, Pipi que hasta entonces solía salir disfrazado en algunas canciones, y ayudaba al grupo a cargar y descargar el material, a partir de ahora sería cuando tendría que trabajarse unas performances, mejor elaboradas, cosa que con su habitual desparpajo y falta de vergüenza no le costaría mucho.
Y llega el concierto que definitivamente y junto con la salida de su nuevo album (junio del 96) les situaría en un puesto de privilegio en la escena musical Ibérica: es el 9º Vallekas Rock. A partir de ahí se empieza a hablar de ellos como de una banda con un directo arrollador , canciones pegadizas, y un tipo que se disfraza y no deja a nadie indiferente.
Esto les lleva a girar por todo el país tocando en practicamente todas las fiestas y movidas gordas durante los años 97 a 99 , de paso acuden a una llamada que venía del otro lado de los Pirineos para participar en un festival, y hacer una pequeña gira por la parte sur-oeste del pais vecino. Acuden si saber con lo que se van a encontrar: una multitud de franceses en todos sus conciertos, que se saben todas las canciones de la Banda.
Llega la grabación de "Eurosis" su 3º Cd y vuelven a la carretera sin apenas un mes de relax, de nuevo giras por toda España, y continuán afianzándose más en Francia, de paso hacen su primera gira por Argentina, como supporter de Attaque 77, con un concierto a destacar en el estadio Obras ante 4.OOO personas más o menos, y de alli se van a México, en total un mes de tocar por esos dos paises donde dejan una muy buena impresión, a este último pais volverán en apenas un año.
Pako, bateria y miembro fundador de ska-p deja la banda y entra Luismi como nuevo bateria, viejo conocido del grupo se integra sin problemas. Al poco tiempo vuelven a tocar en directo, también acuden a la llamada de Italia, para tocar en un festival (Arezzo Wave), donde se vuelven a quedar de piedra al ver que allí les esperan 10.000 personas en el festival coreando todas sus canciones, y desapareciendo nada más acabar la banda.
El tiempo pasa muy rapido si haces lo que te gusta, y encima te va bien.En el año 2.000 sacan un nuevo Cd. llamado "Planeta Eskoria", donde endurecen su sonido,y se hacen un poco mas serios, dentro de lo que cabe, en una banda como ska-p donde el humor y la ironía tienen un sitio importante junto a la protesta más directa. Las giras a estas alturas ya se reparten por Francia,Italia, Suiza y España .Parece ser que ya son una banda que no sólo cuenta en el Estado Español, sino que ya son considerada banda internacional, tocan tanto en estos países como unos años antes lo hicieran en España.
En el año 2.002 graban su quinto álbum "Que corra la Voz", quizá el disco mas completo de la banda, puesto que ellos mismos lo consideran una mezcla perfecta de la personalidad de la banda. En éste disco tienes de todo, mucha caña, mucho cachondeo, mucha ironía y unas letras bien curradas.
Lo paises que van conociendo a Ska-p van aumentando, y hacen una gira Europea grandísima, tocando en Paises como Hungría, Austria, Holanda, Bélgica y los anteriormente citados. También vuelven a Ámerica Latina (Argentina, Chile y México) llevándose una gran sorpresa por la cantidad de gente que acude a sus conciertos.
En ésta última gira deciden incorporar metales a la banda eligiendo a 2 borrachos de Bilbao que soplan igual de dentro a fuera que de fuera a dentro. Gari, al trombón, y Txikitín, a la trompeta, sin duda un acierto, son dos personas que encajan perfectamente en Ska-p.
En el momento de escribir estas lineas, acaba de salir su nuevo Cd. en directo llamado INCONTROLABLE, que además de contar con 16 canciones grabadas en directo por toda Europa, le acompaña un DVD con 13 temas grabados en Nion (Suiza) y París (Francia). Además se incorporan todos los Video Clips de la banda e imagenes del grupo en la última gira.
Solamente una espinita que no pueden extraer de sus corazones, tenian planeado grabar también en América Latina, pero por problemas de salud y tiempo no pudo ser posible, asi que, amigos latinoamericanos, os debemos una. actualmente , diciembre de 2004, estamos trabajando sobre nuestro nuevo cd. que esperamos grabar en febrero para sacarlo en mayo.estamos trabando duro para hacer un disco del que sentirnos orgullosos y vosotros también, ya falta menos...
Un año muy, muy feo.
Año en el que hemos decidido parar, ¿será algo definitivo?, sinceramente, no lo sabemos, pero necesitamos parar.
Lamentablemente no saldrán (de momento) a la venta las canciones ya compuestas precisamente para poder descansar a gusto, disfrutar de nuestra familia y amigos y hacer trabajos en solitario que pronto podreis escuchar.
Nadie de Ska-p ha dicho que no volvamos a los escenarios en uno, dos o seis años, aunque puede ser así. Dejemos pasar el tiempo.
¡Hasta siempre!.
Año de reunion y nuevo cd, "Lagrimas y gozos" con temas como Crimen Solicitationis del cual rodamos un videoclip, quien nos lo iba a decir...., todo volvio a ser igual e incluso ampliamos fronteras visitando Rusia y Polonia por primera vez, volvimos a girar por Europa y Latinoamerica como si hubiese un mañana...y tambien hubo un periodo de dos años de silencio y descanso para retomar fuerzas para lo que vendrá...
Este salio nuestro ultimo cd hasta la fecha " 99%" con Toni Lopez a la produccion y que estaremos presentando en los proximos dos años alla donde nos llamen....
La Pobreska
La Pobreska was formed in 2004. With a mix of Hardcore/Ska/Reggae and many more influences. We are a band that talks about Politics, government and real life issues. We have performed over 100 + shows. October 15th 2011 our First Full Album " Estamos Unidos" was release. Available on Itunes & CD Baby. We are currently on a break from performing but are currently focusing on the new album. We hope by the end of 2013 the album will be done!
Lightyear mixed punk, hardcore and pop influences into their songs and rapidly became one of the most dynamic and unpredictable UK bands. The Lightyear live experience was described as "a bouncing, energy driven orgy of jumping brass, diving vocalists, underpinned by infectious tunes that leave every foot tapping"[citation needed], although it wasn't always that way according to vocalist Chas Palmer-Williams:
"Our first gig was at the Victoria Inn in 1998. We were atrocious. I can't believe they even allowed us to play."
Lightyear released their debut album 'Call of the Weasel Clan' in October 2001.
Although Lightyear were committed to the independent ethos of punk rock[citation needed], they also gained fans and a reputation in the underground scene for their riotous antics[citation needed]. Since their first gig in their hometown of Derby in 1998, the band have been on tour with Capdown, Mad Caddies, Goldfinger, Slow Gherkin, 311, Mustard Plug, Big D and the Kids Table, Save Ferris, Nerf Herder, The Peacocks, Link 80 and Suicide Machines. They also played at the infamous 'Holidays in the Sun' for two years running (alongside The Business, The Exploited and more). Lightyear's summer of 2002 finished with appearances at the Carling Weekend Festivals with such modern punk luminaries as Sick Of It All and Alkaline Trio; one of the career highlights for the band:
"At Reading and Leeds there were banners and all these people singing along – that has to be up there,"
In contrast, Lightyear have also played with one hit wonders OPM, and in February 2003 they were invited to support Steve-O from MTV's Jackass show on a sell out UK tour. They were later kicked off this tour by a promoter whom vocalist Chas described as 'the absolute bonehead' in an interview with Punktastic.
Second album and 2003 split
Vocalist Chas Palmer-Williams, Derby Assembly Rooms, 26 September 2003
Tiring of the rock business, and with extensive touring taking its toll on inter-band friendships, Lightyear made the decision to split in early 2003. They decided that the split would take place after recording a second album of original material and touring twice more; once in support of the album, and a farewell tour in August / September of the same year. All of the members maintained that they had no regrets about the band, and simply wished to end the experience remaining friends with one another.
Chas Palmer-Williams stated in an interview with The Week Out, an entertainment column in the Derby Evening Telegraph:
"We have spent most of the last three years touring – 280 shows last year, 180 the year before. We have been almost constantly away from family and friends. We also felt that we had hit a glass ceiling. It seems that you have to be American and have a big label plugging you to go any further. It's hard to make headway on an independent label above the level we have reached.
It's important to us that we finish as friends and look back on it all as good times. When you sit in a van with the same group of people day in, day out, there are bound to be tensions. We could have done another year and made a bit more money but if that's all we were doing it for, would we have still been friends?"
Lightyear entered the studio in April 2003 to begin work on their second album – the oddly-titled Chris Gentlemens Hairdresser and Railway Book Shop (named after the establishment in Derby where band member Neil Draycott in particular – who is bald – supposedly had his hair cut) – with top UK producer Dave Chang (Capdown, 4ft Fingers, Consumed, earthtone9).
Chris Gentlemens Hairdresser and Railway Book Shop was released in July 2003, accompanied by a seventeen-date tour with long-time friends Captain Everything! and Jerry-built (whom bassist Bars joined following Lightyear's split), running from 14 July to 2 August 2003.
Last 'Ever' Gig!
Lightyear played what was supposed to be their last show on Friday 26 September 2003 at the Assembly Rooms in Derby, UK. They were supported by Evil Macaroni, Captain Everything! (who appeared onstage with a polystyrene gravestone reading R.I.P. Lightyear, lightheartedly stating that it was their intention to "dance on Lightyear's grave") and Adequate Seven. The set for the gig ran as follows:
Nuff Cuts
Three Basics
A Twat Out of Hell
Life Jacket, Water Wings
Old Acquaintance
Data's Double Chin
Ooh No, Not Me Arteries!
On this occasion, the vocals on this song were in fact performed by three friends of the band hailing from Darlington.
That's the Way it Goes, Big Nose
Shortly after performing this song, Neil Draycott treated the audience to an abridged rendition of Lisa Loeb's 1994 hit, "Stay (I Missed You)".
Positive Outlook
Pre-teen Propaganda
Spot Check
Whispering Ron Vs. Maz
Kid Dynamite
Uri Geller Bent My Heart
During the performance of the notoriously long bridge of this song, some friends of the band and members of the support bands took place in an onstage game of "Naked Kabaddi".
A Pack of Dogs
Lightyear ...Would Like to Apologise in Advance
Left to right: Neil Draycott, Ben Ashton and Mark Wood. Leeds Festival, Bramham Park, 26 August 2006
On 9 May 2006, DJ Mike Davies announced on the Radio 1 Lock Up Show that Lightyear would be reforming for a fortnight long tour around the United Kingdom, finishing in their hometown of Derby. Originally dubbed the “Twelve Days of Chaos” tour, it was renamed the “Lightyear ...Would Like to Apologise in Advance” tour as more promoters took interest. Davies, a personal fan of the band, went so far as to invite them to play a set on his Radio 1 Lock Up stage at the Carling Weekend Festivals at Reading and Leeds.
During their Reading set, Chas spent the majority of the set naked and Mark Wood surfed across the crowd during "Kid Dynamite", eventually scaling the centre pillar of the circus tent and about 50 feet above the crowd where he played his trumpet. Chas later recounted his delight in making friends with rapper Ice-T.
Lightyear split up on stage for the second time on Saturday 26 August 2006 at the Carling Weekend Festival at Bramham Park, Leeds. During the set, bassist Bars approached the microphone and addressed the crowd:
"We're splitting up today. We were really emotional the first time... but this time we don't give a shit!"
Shortly after their Carling Weekend performances, Lightyear performed a final 'friends & family only' gig at The Vic Inn, Derby.
On 19 July 2007, Chas announced via bulletins on both his personal and Lightyear's official MySpace pages that Lightyear would be playing another 'one-off' show, with proceeds going to help former member Kraig the gayboy Winterarse's mother. The venue was the Darwin Suite of the Derby Assembly Rooms, and the benefit show took place on Friday the 2 November 2007.
The band played a final time in October 2009 at The Venue in Derby as a secret show. Not even Bars knew they were going to play as it was a surprise for him. They advertised the show low-key via Myspace bulletins as Bars does not use social networking sites so would hopefully not find out.
2012 – The Last Ever Tour...
In March 2012 it was announced across social networking sites that Lightyear were going to reform for one more mini-tour, sponsored by Big Cheese Magazine. Five shows were initially announced, with a sixth show (Bristol) added to the tour a couple of days later.
"We know this might raise a few chuckles. It's been 15 years since Lightyear began. We started it to simply to have fun. We stopped it because it became not fun. We wanted to stay friends. But we ended up not even seeing each other really. We want to hang out with each other again. Soooo…... we are doing 5 dates in June. It would be wicked to see old and new friends. (we haven't played our instruments in 6 years, So we might have improved)...
22nd BRISTOL THE CROFT w Anti Vigilante, Our Time Down Here 23rd DERBY OLD BELL w Anti Vigilante, Above Them 25th NEWCASTLE TRILLIANS w New Town Kings, Above Them 26th MANCHESTER MOHO LIVE w New Town Kings, Above Them 27th BRIGHTON THE HAUNT w New Town Kings, Tyrannosaurus Alan 28th LONDON ISLINGTON O2 ACADEMY w New Town Kings, Anti Vigilante, Tyrannosaurus Alan
enter at your own risk....."
Ben Ashton – Tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, additional vocals
Richard ‘Bars’ Barling – Bass and backing vocals
Neil ‘Nelb’ Cowie – Guitar, additional vocals
Neil Draycott – Acoustic guitar, trumpet and vocals- See also: Cotton Weary
Jim Harrison – drums
Chas Palmer-Williams – vocals – See also: Cotton Weary
Mark Wood – Trumpet, additional vocals
среда, 19 марта 2014 г.
понедельник, 17 марта 2014 г.
пятница, 14 марта 2014 г.
De Morte

Artist : De Morte
Album : Skaratulmaut
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 48000Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Drive, Phone, Crash, and Death (1:36)
2. The Worst Man In The State Is The Best Man In Our Scene (1:29)
3. Murder Fact (1:08)
4. It's Over (1:45)
Total Playing Time: 5:59 (min:sec)
Total Size : 12,9 MB (13*539*669 bytes)
De Morte----Skaratulmaut
Dead City Riot

Artist : Dead City Riot
Album : Promo CDR
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~285K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Before The Dawn (3:28)
2. 16 on 3 (2:05)
3. Steel Toed Sneakers (3:21)
4. Ya Basta! (3:59)
5. Break Down The Walls (2:26)
6. Days of Rage (3:25)
Total Playing Time: 18:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 38,2 MB (40*065*221 bytes)
Dead City Riot----Before The Dawn EP

Artist : Dead City Riot
Album : Dead City Riot
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Before The Dawn (3:14)
2. Break Down The Walls (2:27)
3. 16 On 3 (2:07)
4. Acheh 64 (2:38)
5. Orphans Till We Die (2:29)
Total Playing Time: 12:58 (min:sec)
Total Size : 30,3 MB (31*731*522 bytes)
Dead City Riot----Dead City Riot
Detective Jabsco

Artist : Detective Jabsco
Album : Detective Jabsco
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Intro (1:31)
2. Mean Joe Green (3:06)
3. Melodrama (3:26)
4. Picked Last (3:20)
5. Parting Ways (2:14)
6. No Thanks, I'm Gay Now (3:46)
7. Drunk Already (4:32)
8. Switchblade (2:32)
9. How It Ends (3:47)
10. Bossfight (3:58)
11. Where I'm Going (3:45)
12. Fist To Cuffs (3:15)
Total Playing Time: 39:16 (min:sec)
Total Size : 90,0 MB (94*326*960 bytes)
Detective Jabsco----Detective Jabsco
Desorden Social

Artist : Desorden Social
Album : Nada Novedoso
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. We Are Coming Back (2:28)
2. Una Cancion (3:34)
3. A Quien Creer (2:56)
4. Chicas Ricas (3:45)
5. Un Abrazo Eterno (3:41)
6. a Todos (3:32)
7. Ella Va (3:56)
8. Incondicional (3:29)
9. Mi Tierra (3:36)
10. Fashion (2:39)
11. Forever (2:39)
12. Este Lugar (4:20)
Total Playing Time: 40:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 38,6 MB (40*451*247 bytes)
Desorden Social----Nada Novedoso
Artist : Desorden Social
Album : Noche de copas
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. This Is (1:09)
2. Inside (2:50)
3. Un precio por mi cabeza (3:10)
4. Watch Your Back (2:14)
5. Yesterday (2:45)
6. D.S. style (1:42)
7. Alcohol (2:42)
8. No Te Des la Vuelta (3:09)
9. Pesadilla (3:34)
10. El Hombre De La Mascara (2:52)
11. Una cancion para ti (Bogota) (3:46)
12. El caminante (2:48)
13. Se Nos Va (3:51)
14. La Escena (3:10)
15. Payaso (2:50)
Total Playing Time: 42:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 39,1 MB (41*013*307 bytes)
Desorden Social----Noche de copas

Artist : Desorden Social
Album : Pasa el Tiempo [Ep]
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Pasa El Tiempo (2:30)
2. Quiero Ser (2:52)
3. Donde Me Encuentro (1:41)
Total Playing Time: 7:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 10,0 MB (10*532*766 bytes)
Desorden Social----Pasa el Tiempo [Ep]

Artist : Desorden Social
Album : Una Familia a La Cabeza
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~244K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Nuevo Aire (2:47)
2. Oi! Por Hoy (2:51)
3. El Caminante (2:49)
4. Pacifista (1:33)
5. Tekila Negro (2:59)
6. La Escena (3:19)
7. Discriminaciуn (2:48)
8. Slogan (2:46)
9. Se Nos Va (3:53)
10. Payaso (2:28)
11. American Dream (2:25)
12. Escudo (2:18)
13. Hipocrecia (4:12)
Total Playing Time: 37:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 64,5 MB (67*643*478 bytes)
Desorden Social----Una Familia A La Cabeza
Artist : Desorden Social
Album : Vuelve Y Juega
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~184K/s 44100Hz Dual Channel
Track Listing
1. El hombre de la mascara (3:10)
2. Alcohol (2:42)
3. A Mi Manera (2:47)
4. No Te Des la Vuelta (3:09)
5. Objetivo Jodernos (3:14)
6. Vuelve Y Juega (4:08)
7. Pesadilla (3:34)
8. Algo Diferente (2:05)
9. Donde estara (2:28)
10. Una voz (2:31)
11. No Pulse (2:13)
12. El Rincon (3:34)
13. Porque sera (2:21)
14. Un ano mas (4:18)
15. Nitro (5:23)
Total Playing Time: 47:43 (min:sec)
Total Size : 61,3 MB (64*296*135 bytes)
Desorden Social----Vuelve Y Juega
Die Skaninchen

Artist : Die Skaninchen
Album : ...The True Meaning Of Skacore
Year : 2001
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. (Ich Bin Ein) Parasit (2:25)
2. Nukleare Waffen Auf Die Roten Affen (3:03)
3. Nothing (2:15)
4. Law + Order (4:11)
5. Genocide (0:05)
6. Fuck All Of You (0:44)
7. Police Fuckin Menace (0:40)
8. Spit In Ya Face (2:39)
9. Unity (2:09)
10. Yellin In My Ear (1:29)
11. Genocide (Live) (0:24)
Total Playing Time: 20:09 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,5 MB (19*402*595 bytes)
Die Skaninchen----...The True Meaning Of Skacore

Artist : Die Skaninchen
Album : Sind Tot!
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 160K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Nothing (2:03)
2. Law & Order (3:52)
3. Nukleare Affen (3:18)
4. Police Fucking Menace (2:34)
5. Haufen Dreck (0:37)
6. Fuck All Of U (0:32)
7. Genocide (0:06)
8. Frustation (3:05)
9. Parasit (1:55)
10. Spit In Your Face (2:23)
Total Playing Time: 20:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 23,8 MB (24*943*992 bytes)
Die Skaninchen----Sind Tot!

Artist : Detonate
Album : Television
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Mummy (2:03)
2. Bottle (3:27)
3. Liver (2:49)
4. Atlas (4:37)
5. X (1:15)
6. Resist (1:48)
7. Relativity (1:28)
8. Individuality (1:49)
9. Bowser (1:22)
10. Shit (1:41)
11. Rocksteady (2:14)
12. Coag (1:35)
13. Neighbors (0:31)
14. Ann (0:42)
15. Spine (2:04)
16. Pterosaur (1:34)
17. Fetus Lines (2:17)
18. Fort (2:36)
19. Kickball (2:16)
20. Artificial (3:48)
Total Playing Time: 42:06 (min:sec)
Total Size : 96,5 MB (101*145*975 bytes)

Artist : Detonate
Album : Undead
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Bloodbath (0:46)
2. Walls (0:47)
3. Laugh Track (1:09)
4. Turniquet (1:31)
5. Process (2:34)
6. Balance (1:33)
7. Go (1:30)
8. Mountains (0:45)
9. Contagious (2:12)
10. Pride (2:45)
11. Bunnies (2:24)
12. Television (1:16)
13. Mustache (1:11)
14. On (2:00)
15. Delirium (1:45)
16. Testosterone (2:18)
17. Nowhere (2:20)
18. Undead (1:41)
Total Playing Time: 30:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 70,5 MB (73*884*218 bytes)
Donkey Skonk

Artist : Donkey Skonk
Album : Donkey Skonk
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Mr Pile (3:43)
2. Come again (2:56)
3. Skunk (3:10)
4. N.P.P.C. (5:10)
5. Bud (2:32)
Total Playing Time: 17:34 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,1 MB (25*317*780 bytes)
Donkey Skonk----Donkey skonk

Artist : Donkey Skonk
Album : Help Or Fight Babylon
Year : 2003
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~153K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Barbelйs, Miradors (4:03)
2. Help Or Fight Babylon (5:32)
3. Picore! (5:41)
4. Self Centered Solitude (3:50)
5. Dark Knight (4:59)
6. Unitй (6:07)
7. Shoot For Fun (1:29)
8. Des Femmes Contre Des Nains (5:23)
9. Prohibition Ska (4:32)
10. Negative Guy (2:51)
11. Serial Killa' (7:08)
Total Playing Time: 51:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 56,6 MB (59*329*486 bytes)
Donkey Skonk----Help Or Fight Babylon

Artist : Donkey Skonk
Album : Timpano
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 160K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Fourmis (5:51)
2. Justices! (5:46)
3. Los Hombres Armados (7:35)
4. Timpano (0:34)
5. Electrique Machiavйlique (3:54)
6. H. Politique (2:22)
7. Aki Vs. Bobhy (5:35)
8. Mofeta Estщpida [Acte l] (3:24)
9. Pete (0:21)
10. 3/8 (5:38)
11. La Derniйre Clope [Acte ll] (4:46)
12. R.A.S. (0:19)
13. Bomb A (4:16)
14. A La Santй Des Frйres (5:50)
15. Bomb H (2:06)
Total Playing Time: 58:23 (min:sec)
Total Size : 67,0 MB (70*251*197 bytes)
Donkey Skonk----Timpano
Dona Canchis

Artist : Dona Canchis
Album : Demo
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 160K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Enganada (3:11)
2. Chapopote (4:13)
3. Lo Que Pasa En La Calle (3:43)
4. Noches De Muerte (3:43)
5. Juego Maligno (3:45)
Total Playing Time: 18:37 (min:sec)
Total Size : 21,5 MB (22*543*793 bytes)
Dona Canchis----Demo
Edge Up

Artist : Edge Up
Album : Edge Up
Year : 2005
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Jungle War (1:49)
2. Trapped (2:06)
3. Rock'n'roll Radio (2:45)
4. Jenny (3:22)
5. Merrily Sick (2:36)
6. Body Ripped (2:41)
7. Murky Square (1:56)
8. Morning Red (3:27)
9. Assassinate Today (2:01)
10. Mafia Story (2:09)
11. Interlude (3:17)
12. U.S. Army (3:16)
13. Strait Jacket (1:18)
14. Saturation (1:51)
15. Little-Prince (2:06)
16. Mad Fight (1:27)
Total Playing Time: 38:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 35,1 MB (36*779*580 bytes)
Edge Up----Edge Up

Artist : D-skarados
Album : Demo 2008
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Blaze it (3:16)
2. Deskarado (5:25)
3. Viviendo despierto (4:54)
Total Playing Time: 13:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 18,7 MB (19*595*101 bytes)

Artist : D-skarados
Album : Demo 2007
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Asesino (4:24)
2. Esnickers (3:21)
3. Piratas (3:02)
4. Viviendo Despierto Demo Version (4:22)
Total Playing Time: 15:11 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,9 MB (21*882*634 bytes)
D-SKARADOS----Demo 2007

Artist : Dreadful
Album : Exces Terra
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Curizor ( 3:21)
2. Fat America? ( 3:36)
3. Funny Head 2 ( 2:33)
4. Unscared ( 2:38)
5. Gourou's Anti Fan Club ( 3:06)
6. Punker Joiner ( 0:55)
7. Fury Free ( 1:30)
8. No Ambiguity ( 3:45)
9. Hot Blond Sliding Lips ( 2:30)
10. Smikard Symphony ( 3:09)
11. Kepit On The Road ( 3:19)
12. Zampai Punk Song ( 0:47)
13. Unfinished ( 3:01)
14. Jeane (14:10)
Total Playing Time: 48:28 (min:sec)
Total Size : 44,4 MB (46*599*293 bytes)
Dreadful----Exces Terra

Artist : Dreadful
Album : Funny Head
Year : 2000
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 96K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Another Bottle (2:43)
2. Boulette (2:29)
3. Funny Head (2:49)
4. Josy (3:40)
5. Life To Get Away (4:45)
6. Skazoo (3:10)
Total Playing Time: 19:39 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,5 MB (14*176*783 bytes)
Dreadful----Funny Head [EP]
El Parto de la Chole

Artist : El Parto de la Chole
Album : Hacia Donde Vamos
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Skandalo de la Chole (1:17)
2. Cleptomano (3:11)
3. Neutle (3:31)
4. Todo Sigue Igual (2:25)
5. Aviso Sobre Aviso (3:30)
6. Nota Roja (5:09)
Total Playing Time: 19:05 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,5 MB (18*360*834 bytes)
El Parto de la Chole----Hacia Donde Vamos
El Mariachi

Artist : El Mariachi
Album : Demo
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 160K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Diabolic Trumpet (2:19)
2. Cuando (2:55)
3. Genocidio (2:18)
4. Sexo, Baile, Alcohol Y Ska Punk (3:10)
5. Cerveza Y Descontrol (2:53)
6. Anti Heroes (2:17)
7. Mariachi For Life (2:24)
8. La Muerte (2:45)
9. No Retrocedas (1:40)
Total Playing Time: 22:44 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,8 MB (25*980*798 bytes)
El Mariachi----Demo
El Chupaskabra

Artist : El Chupaskabra
Album : El Chupaskabra! (EP)
Year : 2012
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~265K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Groupie (2:13)
2. Clown Fucker (2:03)
3. Resistencia (2:08)
4. Break Up Song (1:43)
Total Playing Time: 8:08 (min:sec)
Total Size : 16,1 MB (16*892*250 bytes)
El Chupaskabra----El Chupaskabra! (EP)

Artist : El Chupaskabra
Album : The Hermits of Suburbia - Suburban Goatsucker (split EP)
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~278K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Corre (1:58)
2. Attention Whore (1:36)
3. Vivire (2:17)
4. No Mas (1:57)
5. Yo Yo (2:08)
Total Playing Time: 9:57 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,8 MB (21*758*960 bytes)
El Chupaskabra----The Hermits of Suburbia - Suburban Goatsucker (split EP)

Artist : Eskera
Album : Eskera
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. No Ones Illegal (2:09)
2. Push & Pull (2:09)
3. Ethical Slut (2:15)
4. Maquiladora (1:21)
5. MBC (1:18)
6. Pride & Nationality (2:18)
7. Unidos Por La Paz (2:12)
8. Deception (1:30)
9. Toma Control (0:37)
10. Muerte Por La Religion (2:04)
Total Playing Time: 17:58 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,7 MB (25*932*929 bytes)

Artist : Eskera
Album : Nuestra Gente, Nuestra Lucha
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Air Pollution (2:19)
2. Big Business (1:39)
3. Environmental Racism (1:21)
4. Ethical Slut (2:15)
Total Playing Time: 7:35 (min:sec)
Total Size : 17,7 MB (18*517*365 bytes)
Eskera----Nuestra Lucha, Nuestra Gente

Artist : Eskera
Album : Ruido Debajo Del Puente
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Estupidos (1:39)
2. Unidos (1:31)
3. Environmental Racism (1:13)
4. Big Business (1:32)
5. Young & Open Minded (1:19)
6. Telemercinary (0:58)
7. Nuestra Lucha, Nuestra Gente (3:15)
8. Xicano Ska (1:53)
9. Destroy (feat. Ana Axis) (1:34)
10. For You & Me (0:24)
11. Don't Assimilate (2:30)
12. 50 Shots + Any Cop (2:51)
13. Alto Al Guardian (3:07)
14. Eskera (2:01)
15. Death, Suppression & Misery (3:28)
Total Playing Time: 29:22 (min:sec)
Total Size : 71,1 MB (74*569*911 bytes)
Eskera----Ruido Debajo Del Puente
Evil Empire

Artist : Evil Empire
Album : Does This Genocide Make Me Look Sexy
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 224K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Prostitute Song (2:05)
2. Kill Me Please (2:19)
3. Scam (3:30)
4. Support Your Local Police State (3:34)
5. Cult Of Democracy (1:53)
6. 40 Acres And A Hearse (1:47)
7. Cannibalize (1:15)
8. Turn The Gun (4:20)
9. Mediaphobia (1:15)
10. Not In My Name (1:46)
11. Family (1:42)
12. Choking The Life Out (1:52)
13. Making The World Safe For Democracy (1:52)
14. Keep It To Yourself (3:41)
15. Cross This Line (2:46)
16. Evil Empire (3:11)
Total Playing Time: 38:56 (min:sec)
Total Size : 62,5 MB (65*495*812 bytes)
Evil Empire----Does This Genocide Make Me Look Sexy

Artist : Evil Empire
Album : Evil Empire Sucks!
Year : 2004
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Support Your Local Police State (1:33)
2. Cult Of Domesticity (1:56)
3. Fuck Your Dream (1:49)
4. Kill Me Please (2:13)
5. Keep It To Yourself Or Else (1:19)
6. Not In My Name (1:43)
7. Cross This Line (2:31)
8. Freedom Of State (2:33)
9. Making The World Safe For Democracy (1:42)
10. Scam (3:12)
11. Poseur Girls (1:50)
12. 40 Acres And A Hearse (1:46)
13. Change The Rotation (2:43)
14. I Wanna Be A Prostitute (0:28)
15. Kill Me Please (Live 12-31-03) (2:37)
Total Playing Time: 30:02 (min:sec)
Total Size : 27,7 MB (29*057*741 bytes)
Evil Empire----Evil Empire Sucks!

Artist : Evil Empire
Album : Unreleased track
Year : 2007
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 96K/s 22050Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Dead Space City (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 3:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 2,2 MB (2*338*348 bytes)
Evil Empire----Unreleased track
Everything I Own is Broken

Artist : Everything I Own is Broken
Album : Everything I Own is Broken
Year : 2013
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 320K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Why Don't I Know (2:10)
2. Police (2:35)
3. No Return Policy (3:14)
4. Life of Waste (2:19)
Total Playing Time: 10:19 (min:sec)
Total Size : 24,5 MB (25*661*611 bytes)
Everything I Own is Broken----Everything I Own is Broken
Final Warning

Artist : Final Warning
Album : Militant Ska
Year : 2009
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 224K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Militant (3:05)
2. Auschwitz Australia (1:50)
3. Freedom (2:11)
4. Weston Square Local (2:14)
5. Mr Invincible (2:04)
6. Come With Me (2:22)
7. Victims (2:14)
8. Destroyed (1:36)
9. Face The Deceitful (1:42)
10. Aggressive Compulsive (1:20)
11. Defeated (2:09)
12. Clouded Eyes (1:57)
13. Fear Seed (3:13)
14. Rising (1:32)
15. What Are You Fighting (2:04)
16. Never Give Up The Fight (2:30)
17. Compliance Defiance (2:31)
18. Last Writes (2:48)
Total Playing Time: 39:31 (min:sec)
Total Size : 63,4 MB (66*496*860 bytes)
Final Warning----Militant Ska

Artist : Final Warning
Album : Soldiers Of Ska
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Victims (2:16)
2. Compliance Defiance (1:20)
3. Clouded Eyes (2:01)
4. Mr Invincible (2:11)
5. Weston Square Local (1:58)
6. Aggressive Compulsive (1:20)
7. Better Unknown (1:04)
8. Reflections (1:12)
9. Jonny Peanuts (2:08)
10. Destroyed (1:48)
11. Last Writes (2:57)
Total Playing Time: 20:20 (min:sec)
Total Size : 28,0 MB (29*334*870 bytes)
Final Warning----Soldiers Of Ska

Artist : Final Warning
Album : The Demo Years
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Militant (2:39)
2. Auschwitz Australia (1:55)
3. Time (2:04)
4. Defeated (2:05)
5. Freedom (2:30)
6. Skadaze (2:58)
7. What Are You Fighting (2:11)
Total Playing Time: 16:26 (min:sec)
Total Size : 22,6 MB (23*697*974 bytes)
Final Warning----The Demo Years
Faintest Idea

Artist : Faintest Idea
Album : Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Shine Box (2:56)
2. Acceptance (1:38)
3. UK (2:40)
4. Rude Boy (1:34)
5. Here We Are (2:09)
6. Not Tonight (3:11)
7. Stand Tall (3:22)
8. Daylight Robbery (2:13)
9. See You In The Gutter (2:24)
10. Unite (1:47)
11. Rich Kids (2:49)
12. Dirty Democracy (1:54)
13. Chasing Out The Scum (2:28)
14. Rivers Of Red (2:06)
15. Survivors (2:22)
Total Playing Time: 35:41 (min:sec)
Total Size : 49,1 MB (51*456*019 bytes)
Faintest Idea----Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is
Firing Blanks

Artist : Firing Blanks
Album : Watching You E.P.
Year : 2010
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Addict (2:15)
2. BonusCheque (2:28)
3. Choke (2:02)
4. FreedomSong (3:10)
5. No (1:50)
6. WatchingYou (2:59)
Total Playing Time: 14:46 (min:sec)
Total Size : 20,3 MB (21*311*796 bytes)
Firing Blanks----Watching You E.P
Fuerza Brutal

Artist : Fuerza Brutal
Album : Demo
Year : 2008
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 160K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Whore-A-Tron (3:02)
2. Semana Loca (3:21)
3. Sigma (4:15)
4. Brujos Nightmare (3:44)
5. Despierta (3:06)
6. Sin Razones (2:59)
7. brujos nightmare (Old) (4:02)
8. Despierta (old) (3:06)
9. Semana Loca (Old) (3:23)
10. Tormented Souls (4:11)
Total Playing Time: 35:14 (min:sec)
Total Size : 40,4 MB (42*335*527 bytes)
Fuerza Brutal----Demo

Artist : Focolitus
Album : Expelir Demasiados Humores Do Cerebro
Year : 2002
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : VBR ~152K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Focolit Catarse (0:53)
2. Zanshin (4:38)
3. C.A.G.A. (1:00)
4. Autogestao (3:30)
5. Punk Is A Martial Art (2:38)
6. Papalagui Ska (1:59)
7. Amor Combatente (4:09)
8. A Meia Noite Da Revolta (3:39)
9. Love Is Unconditional (4:14)
Total Playing Time: 26:44 (min:sec)
Total Size : 31,5 MB (32*980*238 bytes)
Focolitus----Expelir Demasiados Humores Do Cerebro
Five Minute Freakshow

Artist : Five Minute Freakshow
Album : Prove You Wrong
Year : 2006
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. She's In Denial (1:53)
2. Maybe We Can Prove Them Wrong (1:46)
3. Guard's Down (2:24)
4. FMF Pt. 2 (1:37)
5. My Own Fate (1:38)
6. Last Cup Of Kool-Aid (1:10)
7. Hope Is All I Have (1:31)
8. Reason For Change (1:21)
9. Nothing Left (1:54)
10. Growing Up, Moving On, Letting Go (4:26)
Total Playing Time: 19:43 (min:sec)
Total Size : 27,1 MB (28*453*616 bytes)
Five Minute Freakshow----Prove You Wrong
GLG Twenties

Artist : GLG Twenties
Album : Or Does It Explode
Year : 1998
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. Burn (3:10)
2. El Screaming Eyeball (3:00)
3. Fall From Grace (2:49)
4. Hell In A Handbasket (3:44)
5. Kick Stand (2:27)
6. Priceless (3:40)
7. Silence (2:24)
8. Submission (3:02)
9. Time Flies (2:02)
10. Two Cents Worth (3:29)
11. Wreckage (3:05)
12. Wrong Equation (3:14)
Total Playing Time: 36:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 33,2 MB (34*834*070 bytes)
GLG Twenties----Or Does It Explode

Artist : Fugnak
Album : El Deskite (Demo)
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 192K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. Amor instantaneo (4:31)
2. El velador (2:46)
3. Falsas palabras (3:06)
4. Libertad (3:23)
5. Mente corrupta (3:47)
6. Para ser tomado en cuenta (3:29)
Total Playing Time: 21:04 (min:sec)
Total Size : 29,0 MB (30*370*432 bytes)
Fugnak----El Deskite (Demo)
Goodbye Jersey

Artist : Goodbye Jersey
Album : Entertain Me!
Year : 2011
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Joint Stereo
Track Listing
1. 14 Years (2:35)
2. Angels & Western Waves (1:43)
3. Backbite (3:15)
4. Cassandra (2:08)
5. Doin' Fine (1:59)
6. Go On (2:29)
7. Here We Go (3:14)
8. Kill Your TV (2:32)
9. Mike (3:00)
10. Minutes Like Bombs (2:53)
11. 16 - Nazi = White Trash (1:35)
12. Radio Sux (2:53)
13. The Living Dead (3:15)
14. Wasteland (4:20)
15. Why Desperate (3:43)
16. Zombie Shuffle (1:46)
Total Playing Time: 43:25 (min:sec)
Total Size : 39,8 MB (41*756*484 bytes)
Goodbye Jersey----Entertain Me!

Artist : Goodbye Jersey
Album : Myspace songs
Genre : -=Ska-Core=-
Bitrate : 128K/s 44100Hz Stereo
Track Listing
1. ADS (0:42)
2. Good Advice (3:14)
3. I Can't Fucking Sleep (Although I'm Tired Of Your Shit) (0:57)
4. Supermans Dead (2:17)
5. The Beast (2:38)
6. The Sailor Song (4:23)
Total Playing Time: 14:13 (min:sec)
Total Size : 13,0 MB (13*677*558 bytes)
Goodbye Jersey----Myspace songs
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